Monday, 21 December 2009

BW world

This brand is my new obsession :)

There are only 2 shops of original Denny Rose wear here in Prague, but still, very impressive ones.

The Winter 09 collection is all about Black and White, wich is great because you just never can go wrong with this choice. Ofcourse there are some little touches of colour.

My favourite piece is the BW shirt of CHarile CHaplin, its a pity i couldnt fing the better picture of it as you can see below, but the shirt is just amazing. So perfect i any way and a little lowe and at the back then in front just makes it be more loveble by me:)

Also other things are great, and believe me, those things do look great in real world too. I was at the store this weekend (not buying anything - you know, due to the world financial crisis) but all the items looked so adorable. Just cant wait to have my own Denny rose soon!!!!!


Thursday, 17 December 2009

Inspire for december:)

This all is on my mind................

And here is a music inspiration:


Tuesday, 15 December 2009

New items :)

Hey there!

recently ive got this gorgeous H&M skirt, so stylish and tiny and fits perfectly on my waist.

Another great thing is this new Gilda Tonelli bag, sooooooooooooooooo cute, that blue details are so "me"!! Love this look.

15th of December

Today is my birthday!!

Im turning 24. This post is just about how thankful I am for having my family, my husband, my life!

Its snowing outside for the first time in Prague this year, what could i wish more for the Bday!

Monday, 14 December 2009

H&M style room

This is great! Ive been playing with it all day long yesterday- The H&M created a style room on their website. You can create your own model, outfit, look with all the accessories, dresses, shoes, bags etc. !!!!!

Im now even more in love with it and want to shop more /wich was apperantly the marketing strategy for them to create such a thing :)/

These are looks created by me:) Enjoy!

you can try it too, here:

Thursday, 10 December 2009


Regarding to what i wrote last time (btw sorry for not posting so long, this flue thing totally separated me from the kiber-world) this is what i got for my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ive started reading the "Sophies choice" during the period of flu, and its really goooooooood. Still 400 pages to go, but i have a really good feeling that i wount be dissapointed!

Have a nice day, guys!

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Let Girls be Girls

Its the 1st day of December... time is going by soooooooo fast.Maybe its winter weather or just my mood, but i was thinking today about how prejudice people can be... (speaking about fashion for now, though we all know its not only about style). It appeared to be known, that a blond girl, who wears pink is just anothe "stupid" blondie, sponzor girl, daughter of rich, or however you call it. Why is that? Why are we now affraid to admit that we like pink notebooks, gold sparkly phones, bright yellow sweaters.... whats bad about that? I totally refuse to wear all grey, black and pastel colores just to not to "stand out". In fact, im sure that colores make you feel better, thats why you have a colored walls in your room, if youd have it all grey or black i think youd probably sink in to a deep depression pretty soon.... The point is, dont be affraid to be beautifull, sometimes girly, sometimes crazy, sometimes serious...
Let Girls be Girls :)!

Dnes je prvni zimni den a nevim, jestli je to tim hnusnym pocasym za oknem, nebo jenom moji naladou ale dnesni maly incident v praci me primel premyslet o tom, jak jsou nekteri lidi porad plny nepochopitelnych a zbytecnych predsudku. /ted tim myslim modu, ackoliv vsichni vime, ze pokud je tam predsudek c.1, budou tam i dalsi/. Zda se ze je vseobecne znamo, ze pokud jste blondyna, ktera je cela v ruzovem, musite byt take aspon castecne blba, sponzorovana pritelem, nebo rodici, nebo cokoliv dalsiho v tomto duchu. Proc bychom se meli "bat" priznat ze se nam libi ruzovy notas, nebo zlaty telefon se trpitkami, nebo svitivy svetrik, co je na tom spatnyho,divnyho?Ja odmitam oblekat se tak jak to vidite zde kazdy den - seda, cerna, maximalne pastelova jenom proto abych "nahodou" nevycnivala. Barvy jsou zaklad pro optimismus, prave proto si malujeme barevne zdi nasich bytu, kdyby byli cerne asi bychom depresim propadli celkem rychle .) Co chci rict je, ze se nemame bat byt krasnymy, obcas trochu holcici, obcas zensky elegantne, obcas ulitle....
At jsou holky holkami :)!

Have a nice first winter day!!!
Všem přeji pěkný první zimní den :)

Monday, 30 November 2009

WIsh list №XXXX

Another wish list :)

Howcome girls ALWAYS need something. Even if you know you have few thing totally similar, you just cant control it :) you just neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed this one too!!!

Im not this psyco all the time, but i think this balck friday thing make me think a bit more about all these what you need and what you just must have! Unfortunatly (or thanx god?) there is no such thing as Black Friday here in central Europe, so we just have to wait until the big after-christmass-sales...

Wish item 1 - colored leather gloves, how could one decide what color to pick, or what length to choose, they all are adorable. And almost every cut is "IN" style...

As´ve been said few times in previous posts - Over the knees are a must have. These are from BIBA and Kate Moss is apperatnly sleeping wearing them too :)

Btw the first look is so charming. the shirt and the jacket, yamiii!!!

Even though ive bought one of these shirts yesterday (posted some pics in a post below) but i totally need another one in different lenght and cut. Here are some tips how to wear them.

Studded everything is just an obsession!!!!!!!!! the studded shoes are not in my closet so far.... well, these are from Isabella Marant, absolutly stunning!

Another thing i must have is a clutch hand bag!
So cute, so different. I always thought its not practic and uncomfy to have such a bag on a party or for everyday outfits, but look at theeeeeeseeeeeeeee??? Who cares???

Oh yeah........ the aviator sunglases........

This is an "example" of todays most perfect outfits.
1) the oversize hat!
2) aviators
3)oversize cardigan
4) cute-rock handwear
5) tight jeans
6)oversize bag

Love those.... pop art isnt dead! :oD